High-quality sound is pretty much achieved at around $300-$500. IEMs and headphones above $1000 are luxury devices more than practical ones. They give you access to slight sonic improvements along with different sound signatures, and such subtleties are for hobbyists who either one—take the time to sit and actually listen to music without distraction or two—want the satisfaction of sound security. It's like expensive AMPs or DACs, which can give the customer the feeling that their listening experience is foolproof. I highly suggest saving money and purchasing something cheaper if you're penny-pinching at this price bracket. The $1-3k price bracket is mainly reserved for choosing a sound signature without compromising sound quality.
Now, for the Dunu Glacier itself, it's great. That's all I can really say. It is certainly more full and dynamic than my HE1000 Stealth, but of course, that comes with fatigue from the Glacier's size and nature of IEMs going directly in the ear. The Dunu Glacier may even be underwhelming at first, but after changing the ear tip to the Dunu S&S, I was more than pleased with the sound, whether that's because of a better seal or the construction of the ear tip. The Dunu Glacier is particularly good at not compromising one thing for another as other IEMs or headphones may do, by, say, for example, excelling in the highs while lacking bass or having detail without the sound stage. While I recommend the Dunu Glacier, I suggest more that you read detailed reviews of the Dunu Glacier and other IEMs around this price point before committing to purchasing anything this expensive.
These are beautiful IEM's! the whole package and presentation is gorgeous! I tried and tried to keep listening, telling myself if I just burned them in more, they would get better. Every now and again, I'd catch a song and I would think wow, that sounds great, then the next song sounded like it was in a well! I saw so many great reviews for these so maybe it is just me! Maybe it was my DAP which was a Shanling M3X....I'm not sure, but they were too expensive to keep in a box and never listen to them. So, I am still searching....