This is my first IEM purchase, and I did a ton of research. I started with Moondrop Blessing 3s which are nice but not quite the sound signature I was looking for. The Oracle IIIs have deep bass that is both smooth and authoritative. The soundstage is natural as well, and everything just sounds clear. I am very happy with them and keep going back despite my other more recent purchases as well as my high end over ear headphones. Thieaudio is superb!
I have not heard the previous Oracle iterations, but I’ve been very happy with this set. The Oracle mk3 is my go to for live recordings and classic rock (particularly yacht and 70s rock). I also have the Hype 10 and will use it for some comparisons. I find the sets to be slightly more complementary for my tastes.
The bass is elevated, but nowhere near bass head levels. It’s full and adds a little warmth with minimal bleed. It doesn’t quite have the punch or excitement of the hype 10, but for a good portion of my library i prefer the oracle mk3. There’s plenty of texture too and bass lines like sultans of swing or walk on the wild side sound nice and full.
The midrange and treble are balanced and very enjoyable. I prefer the vocals on the Oracle mk3 to some of my other sets. The midrange may not be as clean (can lack a little bite) as the hype series, but the smoothness/warmth without loss of detail is exactly what I was hoping for. There’s good treble extension. Detail is comparable with the hype 10, but I’d probably give the hype 10 an edge overall. The Oracle mk3 is a little more airy with a more open stage.
The Oracle mk3 was exactly what I was looking for as compliment to some of my other sets (mest mk2, hype 10, Ej07m). I have not heard some of its direct competitors (Mega5est, Oracle mk1, etc), and I’d argue for most folks the hype 4 would probably be a better choice as an all rounder. I do find the Oracle mk3 to be an improvement in most areas over the hype 4 (detail, stage, extension). It’s just a little more neutral, less universal tuning. That said, if you’re in the market for a more neutral sub kilobuck set with great vocals and warm full bass it’s worth trying. I’d get it again in heartbeat.