This model truly doesn't look any different than your average 2 prong wall supply. But depending on the component it's paired with one should actually detect a difference using this PS. I ended up using this model on my cable router. I've tried all 3 of the IFI switch mode power supply's and I've been happy with all 3. I feel the Power X is the sweet spot as far as what you get for your money. The Elite is a step up but it really depends on the product you pair it with and the transparency of your overall system. I have a new found respect for I use to believe their products were probably nonsense..that most current day components already have an acceptable power supply. Low Noise products make a difference... especially in the digital domain. This iPower is cheap but effective. Bloom Audio is pretty good shipping!
I wanted to replace the power supply for my bellari vp 130 (mki) which has a center negative pin. Couldn't find anyone saying this would work but took the rest and it does. Hopefully if anyone else has the same question they come across this review
The Ifi power supply is a Huge upgrade vs a stock wall wart much lower noise floor and a bit warmer balance for $70 a excellent ad on .